Friday, August 29, 2008

Part 2 of camp Willey

there is a video of all the photos of camp Willey i hope everyone well like it, by the way i'm the one that made this one, but Redbeard help me put it together.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Camping Willey

One year ago, my dad married a very lovely woman.

Tonight, we celebrated their anniversary with a giant shindig, here are some pictures... He really knows how to throw a party.

The new pool and even newer waterfall feature.

The girls: my brother's girlfriend AC, my aunt MW, and me.

They brought back the red shirts. Tent City in the background, but we didn't stay overnight. We have a child with a bedtime, you know.

And the orange shirt with reflective strips. Very Devo-esque. Crack that whip!

9 square feet of beef!!!! 9 square feet of potatoes!!!! One ginormous grill...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The girls, part 2

SM picked me up last night and we went to her sister's party. She was selling beauty products for your skin, your face, everything. We soaked our feet in some hot water with salts for about 20 minutes while the ladies were explaining the products to us. I put some cream on my hands and it made them really soft and smelled like tangerines. I was out for about 3 1/2 hours and I had a lot of fun and met some new people. It was well worth the wait, SM is a really nice person.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The girls

I got to have girls out night tonight, With someone I work with. SM is very nice and she wants to be friends out of work so that is really nice. You have to be careful who you talk to at work, because some people will go round and tell everyone and before you know it the hole store knows it , that is why i like SM she is not like that. Its going to be nice to got away from Redbeard for a few hours.
I have not a day to myself in 3ms, the last time was in may when i was at my moms. I think we both need a few hours part.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This is for Redbeard

I want to say thanks to Redbeard, for all he as done for all of us.
I been with him for 7 years, and hes been helping me fit in.So we should all say Thank Redbeard for his time of need. So i do not know what else to say but "Thank you Redbeard for all you have done for nothing but the girl"
Daddy thank you for being such a great dadddy.

Lots of love sierra and nothing but the girl

Friday, August 8, 2008

10 years later

In high school, I met this guy named Darryl from another friend. We hung out briefly in school, but not really. For the last 10 years since high school, I forgot all about him. Until now. Through the wonders of MySpace, I found him and we reconnected. We got to talking and as it turns out, his brother is my manager at the store, the one who replaced June as you recall from an earlier post.

Also recently I've reconnected with Erin, whom I've known since I was small and growing up since she lived around the corner from me. She found me on Facebook and we talk back and forth all day every day since she's a stay at home mom too. It's like having a sister back, we were pretty close back in the day. We tell each other secrets and other sisterly things (since I've never had a real sister).

After losing my other loser bitch friend L that I posted about a couple weeks ago, who doesn't care about anyone but herself, it's good to know I still have good friends out there who I know won't screw me over and make me feel like crap.

Also, an update on M whom I mentioned in an earlier blog. She's made a big turnaround and is doing well. She stopped the lying, she doesn't seem as unstable and she's actually starting to be a good friend. Even Redbeard likes the changes she's made. She's a lot better friend than L is now, and I'm really happy about that.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Will the real Sierra please stand up?

Can you spot the real Sierra? One of these photos is Sierra, the other is Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. Quite the resemblance, and almost the same age.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The end of summer of 2008

This is Sierra with grandpapa and grandmama at the park. Sierra was singing a song when grandpapa was pushing her.