Saturday, August 23, 2008

Camping Willey

One year ago, my dad married a very lovely woman.

Tonight, we celebrated their anniversary with a giant shindig, here are some pictures... He really knows how to throw a party.

The new pool and even newer waterfall feature.

The girls: my brother's girlfriend AC, my aunt MW, and me.

They brought back the red shirts. Tent City in the background, but we didn't stay overnight. We have a child with a bedtime, you know.

And the orange shirt with reflective strips. Very Devo-esque. Crack that whip!

9 square feet of beef!!!! 9 square feet of potatoes!!!! One ginormous grill...


jess said...

it was lots of fun and to bad we could not stay longer but, than we get home sierra went right to bed

Sparkle Plenty said...

WOW! That look likes big fun, Jess!

1) What's Tent City all about?
2) Why the red shirts?

The pool is beautiful and so is that steak! :-)

Hope you're having a great week.

jess said...

1) becasue it dose not stop in till the next day at 11
2) im not sure but its a family thing

how do you like your steak
have a nice week also

Redbeard76 said...

Tent city - All the Willeys sleeping over lined their tents all in a row.

Red shirts - one of the guys, Jess' Uncle B had a bunch of these in his truck and at the wedding last year thought it would be hilarious if everyone put one on. They advertise waste disposal service. Yes, he's a garbage man.

Mayet said...

looks like everyone's having fun!!